Thursday, February 18, 2010

winter work on the farm

Is it lunch? Or breakfast? It might be a mid-afternoon snack. Meet one of the hardy souls that overwinter here at Ninepatch. This young fellow is one of the bull calves born in 2009 right here on the farm. Our purebred Galloway cattle, a heritage breed originally from Scotland, are wonderful animals to "out-winter" because they grow a long, shaggy coat much like a buffalo.

For those of you who enjoy a Ninepatch burger or steak, those scrumptious meals are more than two years in the making. That means each steer spends two winters here at Ninepatch. Of course, green grass is a scarcity from first frost till sometime in May, so these 100% grass fed animals enjoy grass harvested in peak summer months, baled, and fed overwinter. Here you see the yeoman cutting the wrap off a large round bale readying it to be dropped into the feeder.

And into place the bales fall as everyone moves up to the lunch counter. Notice the color variation in the cattle. Galloways can be red, black or dun in color. The first bull we ever owned was a red bull and we still enjoy seeing his genetics appear in calves several generations later.